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Features and benefits of lymphatic drainage massage – current techniques and recommendations

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is a special technique of hardware or manual exposure. During the massage, a direct effect on the lymph flow under the skin of the face is carried out. As a result, there are cosmetic and health-improving effects: immunity is strengthened, blood circulation improves, toxins are removed. To get the maximum effect from the procedure, a course of up to 15 procedures is recommended. It is recommended to repeat the course at least twice a year to consolidate the effect.

Signs of lymph stasis

You can easily determine on your own that you need a massage course for the following reasons:

  • increased fatigue, feeling unwell and lethargic during the last few weeks;
  • there were swelling, bags under the eyes, the face swells after a long sleep;
  • age spots, acne and a variety of papillomas can also appear as a result of stagnation of the lymphatic system.

Some women, when faced with similar problems, begin to use diuretics, but they, removing excess fluid, are not able to solve the issue of lymph stagnation. It is necessary to consult a cosmetologist and resolve the issue with the help of a special massage.

How is lymphatic drainage massage performed?

Depending on the technique, massages are distinguished:

  • manual or manual;
  • hardware

At the same time, both contribute to the improvement of lymphatic flow. Lymph itself acts as a key fluid, which is responsible for many functions:

  • removal of carcinogens and toxins;
  • water balance control;
  • regulation of fat absorption

Decreased physical activity, poor sleep quality, regular smoking and drinking, and eating disorders can lead to stagnation. As a result, the likelihood of the formation of mimic wrinkles increases, skin tone is lost, a second chin is formed, the contour of the face is lost, and bags under the eyes appear.

It is possible to cope with such manifestations of stagnation by using lymphatic drainage hardware or manual massage techniques. The device uses low frequency pulses that stimulate the lymphatic system.

The massage itself is carried out along the lymphatic vessels, and it is possible to guarantee safety during the procedure only when contacting a specialist.

What are the contraindications?

Even considering all the benefits that can be obtained from lymphatic drainage massage, it is recommended to pay attention to several contraindications to the procedure. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the blood vessels;
  • kidney failure.

Even if your disease is not on the list, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist before the procedure.

Should I prepare for a lymphatic drainage massage?

Special procedures for preparing for a massage should not be carried out, but you should pay attention to a few recommendations. In the morning before the procedure, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking. They negatively affect the outflow of lymph. Additionally, it is recommended to reduce the amount of fatty, spicy and salty foods.

If possible, it is recommended to carry out the procedure of lymphatic drainage massage after dinner. This approach increases the efficiency of the procedure.

After the massage itself, you should not perform active physical exercises. A state of rest is recommended, as well as the use of large amounts of cool or warm non-carbonated water.

Variety of lymphatic drainage massage

There are several types of lymphatic drainage massage – hardware and manual. Their principle is the same – a direct effect on the movement of lymph is carried out so that it drains from the problem area. This occurs when blood circulation is increased or when pressure is applied to certain areas of the skin.

There are also such subspecies of massage:

  • hardware vacuum – special jars are installed on the face that suck up certain areas, facilitating the movement of lymph, in the process the beautician moves over the skin, preventing the appearance of redness and bruising;
  • microcurrent – during the massage process, microcurrent waves are slightly affected by certain areas of the face, which are necessary to disperse stagnant fluid, and all necessary manipulations are carried out using compact electrodes

Before choosing a course of a particular massage, it is recommended to consult with a specialist in order to understand which massage format is right for you in order to obtain the maximum result.

If the hardware format does not suit you, you should resort to manual. In some cases, special aromatic oils may be used for additional relaxation. As a result of the completed course, you will be able to notice positive changes, which are recommended to be fixed with proper nutrition and a revision of attitudes towards smoking and alcohol.


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